A Prescriptive Approach to Career Pathing

Career growth within an organization is often akin to a winding road, lacking the clarity that both employees and managers desire. As we delve deeper into the realm of career pathing, we recognize the need for a prescriptive approach—one that goes beyond the traditional career ladders and places the power of intentional career advancement firmly in the hands of individuals, managers, and organizations.

It's not uncommon for employees to feel adrift in their careers, unsure of the steps needed for advancement. This ambiguity is a significant contributor to the perceived lack of growth potential, a key driver of turnover and diminished engagement. Internal Career Pathing —is an organizational framework designed to empower and encourage employees in their intentional career journeys. It transcends the limitations of traditional career ladders by focusing on individual strengths and providing a roadmap for navigating through career growth and evolution within the organization.

At CFW Career we have developed a prescriptive program that:

  • Moves From Reactivity to Proactivity: Our program begins by shifting from reactive measures to proactive strategies. It prompts individuals, as the architects of their career destinies, to embrace intentional and strategic actions. This proactive stance transforms career growth from a passive expectation to an actively pursued goal. We offer individual employees the tools (self-paced online program+ workshop series) to identify their key strengths and interests, obtain 360 feedback and translate those insights into a career pathing strategy that:

    • confirms the alignment of their current role with their career direction,

    • identifies proactive steps to explore internal growth opportunities, and

    • builds a sense of individual empowerment and engagement.

  • Encourages Manager-Employee Conversations: Central to this paradigm shift is the active engagement of managers in career pathing conversations. These dialogues, often overlooked, make employees feel seen and valued beyond the current role or task they may be fulfilling. Approaching these conversations with openness and curiosity, managers can not only support individual career growth but also become party to exploring and realizing new ways in which the individual may continue to contribute, sometimes in new ways, within the organization. While managers may feel trepidation (“Could the conversation lead to the individual leaving my team?”), the benefits far outweigh the risks.

Key Features of Internal Career Pathing:

Direction and Opportunities:

  • Highlights individual strengths and ways to leverage them.

  • Illuminates opportunities within the organization.

Actionable Steps:

  • Identifies the action steps needed to achieve short-term and long-term goals.

Self-Discovery Process:

  • Drives a process of self-discovery to uncover internal opportunities.

  • Self-guided and self-paced for individualized growth.

Scalability, Standardization and Customization:

  • Provides standardized yet customizable Career Pathing tools for widespread applicability.

In our commitment to proactive talent development, CFW Careers has developed a prescriptive approach to help organizations adopt and implement internal career pathing. Our programs not only address the challenges highlighted but also equip individuals and organizations with the tools for intentional and strategic career growth. To explore how our prescriptive Career Pathing programs and coaching services can elevate your career journey or benefit your organization, connect with Rachel Fagnant-Fassler (rachel@cfwcareers.com) or Cynnie King (cynnie@cfwcareers.com).


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